Yanxin Lu

About Me

Hello! 👋

My name is Yanxin(Amber) Lu. I am an undergraduade student in Computer Engineering 💻 at Zhejiang University - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Joint Institute (ZJU-UIUC), currently exchanging at UIUC in my junior year.

I have general interests in ML/AI, particularlly NLP and LLM. I am greatly interested in making AI more efficient in specialized areas and developing LLM-based agents.

I have been fortunately under the guidance of (alphabetically) Prof. Liuqing Chen, Prof. Jijun Li, and Prof. Gaoang Wang. Many thanks to everyone who have ever guided or helped me.

If you are a researcher or a fellow enthusiast, I am open to collaborations, discussions, and opportunities that align with my research interests. Feel free to reach out, and let's explore how we can make a meaningful impact together.

Phone: (217) 979-4729 Email: yanxinl4@illinois.edu GitHub: github


Programming: Python, C, C++, SQL, x86 Assembly

Frameworks: Pytorch, Qt, React

Tools: MySQL, Git, Google Cloud, QEMU, Quartus

Language: Mandarin (Native), English (Proficient)

Awards & Honors

Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship (top 2%)2023

Zhejiang University Scholarship, Second-Prize Scholarship (top 5%)2022,2023

ZJU-UIUC, Third-Prize Scholarship2023

ZJU-UIUC, Dean's List2022,2023

UIUC, Dean's List (top 20%)fall2023

The 9th China International College Students' "Internet+" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Bronze Award PPT2023